A downloadable Horror dating-sim for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Havoc Heart  - THIS GAME IS IN EARLY DEMO I AM UNSURE IF IT WILL INCLUDE NSFW - Let me know your thoughts and wants and I will include them depending on current progression. Thank you! This is my first game so be patient.

In the post-apocalyptic world of Northern Illinois you have laid claim to the war stricken land. Scavenging, hunting, and just trying to survive. On one of your usual missions of mass hunger (a snack) you were struck in the head. Once you awoke, you were met with an individual in a gas mask.. talking crazy.

He won't let you go, and seems emotionally stunted in the sense he can't even seem to understand YOU ARE A HUMAN! His innate fear of the surface and whatever radiationally charged germs causes him to search endlessly for a "cure". 

You aren't his first victim, but you are the first he's kept alive. Figure out why, how to escape, or allow him to continue his research with you as the totem... 

If only it were that simple... Who the hell is this fuck on the radio?!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

HavocHeart-1.0-pc.zip 68 MB
HavocHeart-1.0-market.zip 95 MB

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